Thursday 1 July 2010


I wonder if Kelly the new American that moved into my homestay this week after the Laura the annoying American moved out thinks it is me that keeps peeing all over the toilet seat. And whether she is getting annoyed that I leave the seat up whenever I go. Perhaps I should tell her that I only do it because as well as learning the preterit, imperfect and future tenses of Spanish verbs during my own first week in San Pedro, I have also learnt that if I leave the toilet seat down at the homestay, one of Jose (4), Juan (7), Beto (9) or Augustin (11) is very likely to pee all over it the next time they visit el baño.

Living with four young boys in my San Pedro homestay has required a lot of patience and understanding, and has been quite an educational experience. I have learnt that at any particular time in the day, at least one of the brothers will be crying, but that it will almost certainly due to nothing more serious than of the other brothers called them a name. I have learnt that if I buy one of the brothers a biscuit when I go to the local shop, another will kindly offer to accompany me the next time I go. I have come to understand that at least one of the boys will insist I draw them a cartoon character whilst I am trying to do my Spanish homework, and that they will then want to inspect all my personal belongings whilst I draw the requested cartoon. 

Finally, I have come to realise that if I take two of the brothers up on their invitation to invite them on the Feria Ferris wheel one night, they will insist I invite them on the bigger, faster Ferris wheel the very next evening.

Augustin (11) on the bigger, faster Ferris wheel      Ross (33) on the bigger, faster Ferris wheel