Saturday 24 April 2010


Everywhere I look there are reminders of America. McDonalds. Starbucks. Gatorade. All of which you can purchase in dollars if you don’t want to concern yourself with the Mexican Peso whilst you are in Mexico. Of course, the things that reminds me of America the most in Cancun is the annoying Americans talking loudly. I overheard one earlier telling his friend that he always comes to Cancun because it is clean and like America. Apparently the only other place he goes on vacation is Disney World.

Earlier, a Mexican shopkeeper actually thanked me for talking to him in Spanish, and I think he genuinely meant it. When another tried to sell me Cuban cigars and I explained why I would not be buying them, he smiled broadly when I told him I had enjoyed Cuba and there were no estadounidense (Americans) there.

I hope the rest of Mexico is not going to be like Cancun. If it is, I may head South a lot sooner than I’d originally intended.