Wednesday 6 October 2010


- 'No soy Gringo.' I politely corrected one of the homeless people as he waited patiently outside the minivan for me to pour him a cup of hot chocolate. It was about the only lighthearted thing that I said whilst feeding the homeless in central Bogota tonight, asides from an initial laugh when one of the nuns called Rose thought that I had the same name as her. 

All in all it was a sobering experience, watching large numbers of homeless people running towards us whenever we shouted 'pan y chocolate' (bread and hot chocolate) out our minibus window, and then watching drug addicts, transvestites, even children lining up in an orderly queue, and then thanking us, the nuns and God for the bread and hot drink that we served them. Seeing it makes me thankful for what I have, and glad to have somewhere dry and warm to sleep tonight, and a hot breakfast being cooked for me when I wake up tomorrow morning. The homeless people that I saw tonight have none of that, and less. A lot less.