The equator turned out to be a lot hotter than I imagined today, which was a shame, as I had specially worn my alpaca wool, llama patterned hooded top that I bought yesterday in a Quito market.
Overdressed, and carrying my umbrella and the pan pipe music CD (Robert Corazon Andino Vol 1) that I bought off a native busker playing his pipes on the 15 cent bus ride out from Quito, I arrived at Mitad Del Mundo to stand with one foot in the Northern and one foot in the Southern Hemisphere, and have a local woman in the gift shop afterwards keep calling me "Señorcito" (little Mister), despite me being 6 feet 4 inches and her being about 3 feet and no inches.
Puzzling Question: If I am standing on the equator, why are the shadows to one side?
Did the yellow line painters get their coordinates wrong?